Category Archives: fashion

Shoe Power


The other morning, as I was gettin ready for work, I grabbed my favorit pair of summer heels, and found the heel of one of them chewed down to almost nothing.  That’s right.  My puppy chewed the heel off my favorite pair of shoes. 

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Fashioning a National Identity


Sarah Jessica Parker on the set for the second Sex in the City movie

Anyone who likes this blog would probably find this interesting.  Sarah Jessica Parker will be doing the voice-over for the audio guide to accompany the exhibition.


My husband sent me a link from an online magazine about plastic surgery and high heel shoes.  To sum it up, the newest thing you can now Botox is your feet.  It lasts a few months and can make wearing 5 inch heels tolerable.  This article reminded me of an article I bookmarked a month ago on  The Skinny Jeana Workout.  It is basically a series of recommended movements to get the kind of body that can squeeze into uncomfortably tight jeans.

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Winter White No More

Lindsay Lohan in an advertisement for her spray tan

When I set out my work outfit last night, it was following an evening with my fiancee grilling our dinner and eating  on the porch.  It was really nice outside in the northwest suburb of Chicago I recently  moved to from the city.  Well, that was last night.

This morning it was windy, rainy, and miserable.   Due to my new favorite cosmetic item – sunless tanner – I had set out a skirt, no tights, and one of those cute ruffle sleeved tops  I am starting to see everywhere.  Normally, I would need at least a few Saturdays baking in the sun before I even consider exposing bare legs, and I’ve always been afraid of sunless tanner.  Well, we haven’t had enough nice weather to get a tan..  So despite my visions  of streaks and Lindsay Lohan-like orangyness that can’t be hidden because, well, it’s your skin – I took a chance.  I may sound dramatic here, but it’s not like purchasing a lipstick, which you can wipe off, that is too orange.  

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Dressing the Part: The Proper Role of Fashion in the White House

Michelle Obamas Vogue Cover

Michelle Obama's Vogue Cover

I’ve been a little down this week, so in an attempt to cheer myself up, I decided to stop at the bookstore to indulge in my two favorite things – coffee and fashion magazines (not to mention the lovely smell of all those books).  In perusing, I noticed Michelle Obama is on the cover of the March issue of Vogue.  All political associations and viewpoints aside (I also wrote about Sarah Palin’s fashion choices during the election, and Jackie O’s status as a fashion icon), I love all the media attention Michelle’s fashion choices are receiving.

As American fashion struggles on in a time when flaunting economic status is a faux pas, it is refreshing to see America’s first lady taking the role seriously and dressing the part.

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